BSc (Hons), MBACP | Counsellor & Psychotherapist
Nottingham, UK

Some of My Clients’ Experiences
I feel like I've really connected with you in a new way and we're taking my therapy to the next level which is great. Thank you.
I've had therapy in the past but I feel like we're quite similar, and that's very useful because when I communicate with you it's not an issue. We've had scenarios in the past when we've been on the wrong foot, but we've solved it and that's more telling, I guess. I feel like everyone talks about how you need to find the right counsellor, and I feel like I do have that with you.
I was really struggling when I first came to see you and I feel much more like my self again now. Thank you for all your help and your belief in me, I couldn't have done it without you.